What You Should Know Before Visiting The ER

If you’re feeling unwell and think you may have a serious medical emergency, it’s important to go to the hospital or emergency room. However, not all illnesses are life-threatening, and not all medical emergencies require admission to the hospital. So what should you do if you have a mild or non-life-threatening illness? Here are some tips on how to decide if you need to go to the emergency room: 

1. If you have chest pain that doesn’t go away with rest, medication, or an x-ray, go to the ER. Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack and requires immediate attention. You may also browse if you are in search of an emergency room https://myemergencyroomabilene.com/.

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2. If you experience shortness of breath, severe cough, rapid heart rate, swelling in your legs or feet, extreme dizziness or confusion, or any other sign of an imminent health crisis, go to the ER immediately. These signs mean that your health could rapidly deteriorate and require professional care.

3. If you experience any type of abdominal pain that doesn’t ease with rest or antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, head straight to the ER. Abdominal pain can be an indication of a more serious problem such as appendicitis or pancreatitis and needs prompt treatment.

4. Finally, if you witness someone else who appears seriously injured or is in apparent distress – for example, someone who has fallen down stairs – always take them to the emergency room at your nearest hospital even.