What is Black Truffle Salt?

A black truffle, also known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth, is a soft, brownish-grained salt that comes from the underground mushrooms of what is known as the Tuberose plant. This small but spectacular mushroom has pungently sweet, strong aromas that remind many of fresh bread. It is used for foods such as bread and salted fish. The powerful aroma can be detected in many fragrances today, including that of strong coffee, onions, leeks, and other strong-smelling foods.

The unique, earthy flavor of black truffle sea salt adds interest to dishes involving meats and fish. It can also add complexity to soups and stews by infusing them with an underlying flavor that can be quite strong. Many cooks agree that its intense flavor can overwhelm tastes in foods that do not require heavy spices. A well-seasoned dish may require only a sprinkle of black truffle salt. It is not a very heavy seasoning, yet it adds a sense of depth to any dish. It is also a good accompaniment to cheese and butter.

The health benefits of this salt are becoming well known among chefs, home cooks, and those who appreciate a good taste in food. One of its most well-known uses is in its ability to add flavor to many baked goods. The flavor of baking with black truffle salt is known to be stronger than that of regular table salt. In fact, the salt is known to have more than twice the amount of salt in common table salt.

The Health benefits of this salt are partially offset by the fact that it uses much less sodium than does refined sea salt. Most of today's processed table salt contains about two pounds of sodium for every one pound of fresh unrefined sea salt. The sodium content of black truffle salt is about five percent less than ordinary table salt. This makes it a healthier alternative but is it enough to offset the health benefits?

Sea salts do not contain any significant amounts of minerals or nutrients. However, they do contain a considerable amount of sodium, which makes them very popular among those who want to add a hint of natural flavor to their cooking. These sea salts can be used in soups, stews, and sauces. Many recipes incorporate ingredients from these sea salts to enhance their flavor and texture.

Some chefs have taken black truffle salt and turned it into a unique form of the herb. It can be used fresh on steak, chicken, and fish to help preserve their tenderness. This can give dishes a hint of an exotic flavor. Using this kind of finishing salt on a white fish is going to help make it moister and will help retain its tenderness for a longer period of time. A similar strategy can be applied to beef, with certain variations, such as reducing the amount of butter or marinating the meat for a longer period of time.

There are some dishes that cannot benefit from using black truffle salt. Some dishes have a higher salt content than others, such as Italian tomato sauces. These tomato sauces tend to have an intense flavor, which is difficult to reproduce with any other seasoning. This salt will simply take away from the flavor of these dishes.

If you are trying to choose a summer celebration special, black truffle salt is definitely something you should consider adding. This unique salt has a wonderful flavor and can contribute to the flavor of many foods. As with any sea salt, you should only use this seasoning in moderation. Overusing the black truffle salt can result in taking away from the natural flavor of an otherwise great dish. This is a great way to add a little flavor to your food without using any harmful chemicals that might harm you and your family's health.