5 Essential Tips to Fix Your Furnace and Stay Cozy This Winter

As the temperatures drop and winter sets in, having a well-functioning furnace is crucial to staying warm and comfortable in your home. However, furnaces can sometimes act up, leaving you in the cold. Here are five essential tips to help you fix your furnace and ensure a cozy winter season.

1. Check the Thermostat

One of the most common reasons for a malfunctioning furnace is a faulty thermostat. Before calling a professional, try these troubleshooting tips:

Thermostat Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Make sure the thermostat is set to heat mode and the temperature is higher than the current room temperature.
  • Replace the batteries in the thermostat to ensure it has power.
  • Dust the thermostat and gently clean the inside with a soft brush to remove any debris that may be affecting its functionality.

2. Replace the Air Filter

A clogged or dirty air filter can restrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your furnace. Follow these steps to replace the air filter:

Air Filter Replacement Steps:

  • Locate the air filter in your furnace – it is usually located near the return air duct.
  • Turn off the furnace before removing the old filter to prevent dust and debris from entering the system.
  • Replace the old filter with a new one of the same size and type, ensuring it is inserted in the correct direction (the arrow on the filter should point towards the furnace).

3. Check the Pilot Light

If your furnace is not producing heat, the pilot light may be out. Follow these steps to check and relight the pilot light:

Pilot Light Checking and Relighting Steps:

  • Locate the pilot light assembly – it is usually located near the bottom of the furnace.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions to safely relight the pilot light using a long lighter or match.
  • If the pilot light does not stay lit or continues to go out, there may be a more serious issue that requires professional attention.

4. Inspect the Vents and Ducts

Blocked or closed vents and ducts can prevent proper airflow and lead to furnace problems. Perform the following checks to ensure your vents and ducts are clear:

Vent and Duct Inspection Steps:

  • Check all vents in your home to ensure they are open and unobstructed by furniture, curtains, or other objects.
  • Inspect the ductwork for any signs of damage, such as holes or disconnected sections, and repair as needed.
  • Clean the vents and ducts using a vacuum or duster to remove dust and debris that may be blocking airflow.

5. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is key to keeping your furnace running smoothly and efficiently. Consider scheduling annual maintenance with a professional HVAC technician to ensure your furnace is in top condition. During a maintenance visit, the technician will perform the following tasks:

Benefits of Regular Maintenance:

  • Clean and inspect the furnace components, including the blower motor, burner, and heat exchanger.
  • Check for any potential issues or signs of wear and tear that could lead to future problems.
  • Make any necessary adjustments or repairs to improve the performance and efficiency of your furnace.

By following these essential tips and staying proactive about furnace maintenance, you can ensure a cozy and warm winter season in your home. Remember, safety is paramount when dealing with furnace repairs, so if you are unsure or uncomfortable performing any of these tasks, always consult a professional HVAC technician for assistance.