Tag Archives: outdoor Pool Covers

Considerations When Choosing An Automatic Swimming Pool Cover In US

An automatic swimming pool cover is a great way to save energy, reduce maintenance, and keep your pool safe. It also allows you to enjoy your pool all year round, as it helps maintain the temperature and keep out debris and pests. But before you invest, there are a few things you should consider when choosing an automatic swimming pool cover. 


Material of your automatic retractable pool cover and pool cover reel & roller is one of the most important considerations. You want to make sure the material is strong and durable, as it will be exposed to the elements and will need to withstand a lot of wear and tear. The material should also be UV resistant to ensure it won't fade or break down over time.


The size of your pool cover is also very important, as it needs to fit your pool perfectly. It should be large enough to cover the entire pool, but not so large that it is difficult to install or use. You should also consider the weight of the cover and make sure it is easy to open and close.


The installation process for an automatic pool cover can be complex, so it is important to find a cover that is easy to install. Some covers come with a detailed installation guide, which can make the process easier. 


Automatic swimming pool covers require regular maintenance to ensure they are in good condition. This includes cleaning and lubricating the tracks, checking the motors and controls, and inspecting the fabric for damage. You should also consider how often the cover needs to be replaced and what type of warranty is provided.