Tag Archives: Football Turf Tape

Getting The Hang Of Turf Tape Football

Football is the most popular sport in the US, and turf tape football is a great way to get involved in the action. Turf tape football is an exciting variation of the traditional game, played on a turf-like surface with a tape designed to simulate the feel of a football field. The rules are similar to regular football, but the playing surface is different. This makes the game more challenging and adds an extra layer of strategy.

To get started, you’ll need to purchase a set of football turf tape equipment. This includes a turf tape, tape dispenser, tape cutters, and a set of turf tape goals. The turf tape is specifically designed for this type of game and can be cut to fit the playing area. Once you have the equipment, you’ll need to decide on a playing area. This could be a large room, a backyard, or a local park.


Once you’ve got the area ready, you’ll need to decide on a set of rules. This will depend on the size of the playing area and the number of players. If you’re playing with a large group, you may want to consider using two teams, with each team having a set number of players. You may also want to set up some sort of score-keeping system, such as keeping track of goals or points.

Once you’ve got the rules established, it’s time to get playing! The basics of turf tape football are the same as regular football, with a few changes. The ball should be thrown from one side of the playing area to the other. Players can move the ball by running, passing, or kicking. As long as the ball stays on the turf tape, it’s in play.

Turf tape football is a great way to get involved in the game of football without having to go out and purchase a full set of equipment. It’s also a great way to practice your skills and get better at the game. With a bit of practice and some dedication, you’ll soon be getting the hang of turf tape football and enjoying it for years to come.