Tag Archives: heel pain reisterstown

Common Causes Of Heel Pain & Treatment in Baltimore

Many people experience pain in their heels at the same point or another. If you suffer from heel pain, then there are a lot of things that would be going on. You can consult Family Podiatrist in Baltimore, MD for Diabetic Foot Care Services according to your foot problems.


Here are four questions to ask yourself if you are having heel pain:

  • Can be the heel pain in one heel or both heels?

  • Can be the discomfort activated by activity or does it also occur during periods of rest?

  • Is there some bruising or swelling at the spot where you are experiencing heel pain?

  • How long have you ever undergone this condition?

Depending on the kind of heel pain that you're having, you'll find numerous unique conditions that sometimes induce pain at the heels. Listed below are five potential medical issues that may lead to heel pain:

  • Plantar Fasciitis – Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation into the cells that are about the back of your foot. 

  • Heel Bruising – Sometimes you may experience heel pain after stepping on a sharp or hard object which bruises your heel.

  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome – should you have Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, you're suffering from the pinched posterior tibial nerve in the tarsal tunnel. 

  • Anxiety Fractures – sometimes people who take part in a repetitive activity like cross country running experience stress fractures that can lead to heel pain. 

Sometimes putting ice over the region that hurts can be beneficial. You may also find it helpful to think about custom shoe polishes such as orthotics or on-the-counter inserts for the shoes which offer additional support to alleviate pain on your mind.